Running Gait Analysis

A running gait analysis can help if you want to improve your existing running technique. It can also help you recover your technique after an injury.

Your initial evaluation

Your first appointment will be an extensive hour-long physical evaluation. During this evaluation, our exercise physiology expert will assess your strength and range of motion using clinical methods and high-speed video analysis.

These measurements include the exact degrees and angles of your knees, ankles, and hips while you run. With these, we will be able to identify any movements that could limit your performance or lead to potential injuries.

Your personalized improvement plan

At the end of your assessment, we will give you a plan that includes:

  • A copy of your high-speed video for your reference
  • A recommendation for the best footwear for your gait
  • Independent study materials to improve your biomechanics and address muscle weakness and tightness
  • Movement recommendations according to the analysis of your unique gait, or running style

Your follow-up evaluation

We will also schedule a follow-up evaluation with you that will show if the recommended changes and footwear have improved your efficiency and gait. If not, more intervention may be necessary to help you reach your running goal.

What to bring to your appointment

Please bring your old and current running shoes. These allow our physical therapist to better conduct your initial evaluation.

Please also bring tight-fitting, colored running clothes like leggings (not black). These clothes ensure we can get accurate gait measurements from the high-speed video.

No referral necessary

If your running gait analysis is to enhance your performance rather than recover from an injury, call us to make an appointment today. This service costs $250, which will be due at the time of your evaluation.

If associated with a specific injury, this analysis may be covered by your insurance plan, but prior approval may be required. Please check your individual insurance to see if this applies to you.