
Firework display

Celebrate with fireworks safely - be prepared, be safe, be responsible

Here are tips for keeping you—and your family—safe around fireworks.

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Hiker spraying herself for mosquitoes

Protecting yourself from mosquito-borne illnesses

Learn what you need to know about mosquito-borne illnesses and how to protect yourself and your family.

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A cartoon family sitting at a table that has emergency supplies on it

Don’t Get Caught Unprepared

New Englanders' fashion and leisure activities vary seasonally. You should also have an emergency preparedness kit and plan to handle whatever surprises each season may bring. Tricia Zahn, MPH gives some tips and resources so you’ll be ready for anything

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Kerry Kelly, volunteer with Cheshire Doulas, supporting her daughter, Kiara, during the birth of her first child.

Volunteer Spotlight: Kerry Kelley Nurtures Our Community One Miracle at a Time

Kerry builds relationships and priceless memories supporting people through Cheshire Doulas, including her own daughter’s first birth.

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Emily Nichols donating to Mother's Milk Bank

Breast Milk Donation: Mutual Support in a Time of Need

At Cheshire Medical Center, infants in need can receive donated breastmilk as inpatients. Emily Nichols and Christina DeTurris of Obstetrics and Gynecology, explain why donors also benefit from giving their milk at Cheshire.

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Laura Reyor, MSN, APRN

Catching Up on Your Care: 4 Questions to Ask Your Provider

These questions will help you work with your provider to prevent—or find and fix—issues long before they become crises, especially if your care was interrupted.

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Deborah Hansen, MD, pediatrician, and Logan Freeman, RN, of Cheshire Medical Center care for Baby Ada Maynard with the help of D-H TeleICN.

A Lifeline for Newborns in Need

Cheshire Medical Center is among the New England hospitals supported by board-certified Dartmouth-Hitchcock neonatologists via Telemedicine during challenging births and the care of acutely ill infants.

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A person cooking

Meal Planning Made Easy

Ruth Goldstein, outpatient dietitian, offers tips and resources to help create simple routines that take the stress out of healthy eating at home.

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Mother breastfeeding her baby

Cheshire Medical Center Receives Prestigious Baby-Friendly Re-Designation

As a Baby-Friendly designated hospital, Cheshire provides an environment that supports breastfeeding while respecting every parent’s right to make the best decision for their family.

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Group of people sitting around a table, eating a meal

Start Eating Better During American Diabetes Month: 5 Easy Tips

Since 40% of us need to eat mindfully to prevent complications from diabetes, Registered Dietitian Rachael Lenthall offers sustainable steps for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

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