Cardiac Rehabilitation

If you have had a recent health issue with your heart, cardiac rehabilitation can help you recover. Your team will work with you to design the most effective exercise routine for you, and support you every step of the way. You will also learn how to make the lifestyle changes that can help you toward a healthier future and higher quality of life.

Cheshire Medical Center’s cardiac rehabilitation nurses work with many people who are afraid to overexert themselves after a heart event. They will show you how to get the activity your heart needs to work well. 

Who can benefit from cardiac rehab?

This program could help improve your health if you have experienced one of these conditions:

  • Angina
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Heart attack
  • Other forms of heart disease

Rehabilitation could also help you recover from a procedure, such as:

  • Coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Heart valve replacement
  • Stent placement

You need a referral from your doctor to take part in this program, so ask if your doctor thinks cardiac rehabilitation could help you. 

Cardiac Rehab members

Cheshire Medical Center Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Certified by Industry Leader

Cheshire Medical Center is proud to announce the certification of its cardiovascular rehabilitation program by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR).

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How can cardiac rehab help?

Cardiac rehab can help stabilize, slow, and possibly reverse the progression of your disease. It can also help you:

  • Improve your strength and endurance
  • Return to work
  • Understand such risk factors as cholesterol, weight, blood pressure, and stress
  • Stop smoking
  • Most importantly, enjoy life as you regain your health
Steve Larmon, MD

The medical team had done everything they could, and intellectually I knew I was okay, but the rehab experience itself really gave me the confidence I needed to be out in the real world again. The rehab staff were supportive, and all the other patients were there for the same reason—to get better. It felt like a team.

Steve Larmon, MD, Cardiac patient

What to expect

Most patients take part in cardiac rehab for six weeks, but your doctor may recommend up to twelve weeks if necessary. You will meet in our gym on the fourth floor of Cheshire Medical Center three times a week: on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 

At your first session, your team will evaluate you and work with you to design an exercise program for your needs. They will track your heart rate, blood oxygen level, and other vital signs while you exercise. As you progress, these measurements will help your team create the best recovery program for you.

Recovering together

Your rehab team members are not the only people supporting you through your cardiac recovery. You will exercise and learn along with others who are also recovering from a recent heart event. These groups are friendly and supportive—patients often celebrate each other’s successes. Most patients find it easier to make lifestyle changes with the support of others going through the same recovery process. 

In addition to other cardiac rehab participants, we encourage you to involve your family in the program. Family members often offer valuable support during recovery and into your heart-healthy lifestyle.