Preventing and Relieving Plantar Fasciitis Pain

A person rubbing their foot

People are more likely to get plantar fasciitis if they put a lot of wear and tear on their feet. Many things can stress the feet, including obesity, running on pavement, bad shoes, a job with a lot of standing, and flat feet. Doing the things below may help you prevent plantar fasciitis or provide some relief. Try to:

  • Keep a healthy weight.
  • Wear healthy supportive shoes.
  • Don’t overdo it when you’re running or playing sports.

Stretching exercises

Your doctor may recommend stretching exercises like this one:

  1. Sit in a chair, crossing your sore foot over your other leg. Put your ankle on your thigh.
  2. Using the hand on your injured side, pull your toes back toward your shin.
  3. To make sure you are stretching correctly, rub your arch with your other thumb. The arch should feel firm.
  4. Hold the stretch for a count of 10.

Do this 10 times. This is a set. Do at least 3 sets of stretches per day. Try to stretch before taking your first step in the morning. And stretch after sitting for a long time.

Find this information and more about Plantar Fasciitis at the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society website.